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Tuesday 29 November 2011

Just enough sanity

Just the right amount I'd say, but sanity is overrated. At least FIKA got that in their minds a long time ago, way before they even knew there were other free souls, they were free. Free to think. FIKA has lost it's sanity and that's why they are free to think.

Sanity in society is conformity. The line is drawn in packs, thus a 1,000 insane people will call the sane one insane. Going against the grain is insanity because it does not endear you to the flock, being different is not every parents dream for his child, being different equals insanity. Freedom to think equals insanity.

Freedom to think:

This should be what humanity should have fought for, it's what we should be fighting for. Freedom to control our fears, live our nature, love without boundaries, respect without human. The world teaches us different. Fears are dependant on sociatal sense of security, life is lived on majoritys' view of morallity, love is constricted to our own, respect is selective. Your life is owned. The world owns your life because it tells you how to live, it binds you at birth through indoctrination, it keeps information away from you and fuels your ignorance, it keeps you leashed by marvelling you with it's power, it shits on you and forbids you from questioning why, it gives you religion. It gives you a false sense of security, and scares you from questioning.

Information. Need to know. Kill the cat (feed your curiosity).

FIKA is the freedom to think.


kizzytcakes said...

History reveals that the
consequences of beliefs
have created mental
barriers to understanding
and has caused ignorance,
misery, violence and war.
Do humans need beliefs at

Unknown said...

@Kizzy yes human beings cannot do without beliefs, they form our whole world view and reality about the cosmos, its up to us as freethinkers to make sure that we hold the right beliefs,beliefs that will help us move forward as species as opposed to the narrow minded beliefs that have locked us in a mental asylum full of self inflicted pain and self fulfilled prophesies.

Sergent said...

We can do without belief, what we cannot do without is our higher values. Belief stakes claim on our hopes, faith, love, morality et al thus making people believe they can't do without belief

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